Water, water everywhere...Just not in the right spots
This information I obtained mostly from The Economist.
Right now, across the whole world, there is more water than we need to sustain ourselves and our industries. But that is 'for the moment'. At the rate we are going, if we do not cut our use or learn to conserve more, we are headed towards inevitable water shortages.
It appears that just like a lot of things, the US is using m

And to top that, it seems that the conversion of diets to meat , creates much higher levels of water usage. So guess who eats the most meat. Now the Chinese are starting to eat much greater levels of meat diets.
In this, as with other critical resources, we cannot blame the world for increasing their life styles to ours. The problem is that the world does not seem capable of supporting all of us living at that level. And of course there are significant population increases coming in the next 50 to 100 years.
So what is the solution? Do we lower our standards of living and allow the rest to come up to a new intermediate level for everyone? I am sure we would not like that. On the other hand, can we ask everyone else to stop raising their lifestyles? I doubt they would accept that either. So what indeed do we do before we all go over the cliff that is headed our way????

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