Saturday, May 06, 2006

DVRs are such great things! Catching up on shows I missed due to a trip I took this week. Only thing is that I am using a Cox DVR and some times it acts funny. For e.g. this week it was supposed to tape the second half of House, but for some reason it did not.

I read a posting yesterday about Cox market researching the use of TiVo/Cox DVRs on Direct TV customers not currently using Cox cable. I would be interested in that since I have heard good things about the user friendliness of it. I have used and liked Replay TV, but like to see where this goes.
Just watching the season finale of Supernatural. Pretty good but a sign that repeat season is coming! 1 hope there are some good summer shows coming.

Weather in oc looks bad again! Want to just lay around but should work out. When is the sun coming back?

Friday, May 05, 2006

Ghost Whisperer

Watching the season finale. Interesting concept. What would it be like to handle a mass of dead people from a plane crash that no one else can see?

Fenway Park

Just came back from Boston. Amazingly, the weather was better there than home in LA. Weather hasm been rather strange at home lately. Anyway, I am not big on baseball, but had a tour of FenwayPark and later went to the game. Red Sox ended up winning 7-4 against the BlueJays. Fenway reminded me a lot of the old Tiger Stadium including being prefectly blocked by column in line with home plate.

Flying on United is getting less easy. All their flights seem packed to the gills. Hopefully, they are making more money, but a little less comfortable.

Anyway, glad to be back home!