Today I heard on the XM Radio BBC channel a story about groups of people that set up a game in different cities, where the participants 100-300 set out to "kill" designated targets (other game participants) with water guns. Not so long ago, they had a CSI-NY episode written around such a game. I thought it was cool, but simply a Hollywood idea...I guess it was for real. The guy being interviewed indicated that there is an upcoming game in London. Overall sounds like a lot of fun! Unfortunately, I forgot what the official name of the game was...all I know is that the the guy that created the game is a lawyer in NY city. Hey after a little research its: StreetWars: A 3 week long, 24/7, watergun assassination tournament ...
Watching the finale of 24. I keep wondering why Jack keeps carrying that rather effeminate bag of his. I guess it is his bag of tricks where he keeps all his weapons and tools, but it just seems very odd.
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